Investment Protection Strategy

Your money should last a lifetime

We employ our “Investment Protection Strategy” to provide a disciplined process of participating fully in the market while exercising a stop-loss strategy to preserve principal in Bear Markets.

Protection from Bear Markets can be essential to a successful retirement. Substantial losses early in retirement or in the years leading up to retirement can have a significant impact on your standard of living and ability to retire or stay retired.

With any exit strategy, it is imperative to have a plan to re-enter with confidence and participate without taking undue risk.

We believe this process is the key to providing peace of mind while ensuring your money lasts a lifetime.

Does your investment strategy have a well-defined signal to help avoid large losses?


“Investment Protection Strategy” Illustration

  • “Protection Mode”

    • Utilizes a dynamic exit trigger to offload risk assets

  • “Investment Mode”

    • Re-deploys capital to capture upside without taking unnecessary risk